Betekenis van:
water back

water back
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • water heater consisting of a tank or pipes set at the back of a fireplace or in the firebox of a stove



    1. Like water off a duck's back.
    2. It's like water on the duck's back.
    3. That's a clear case of "water off a duck's back".
    4. Ice turns back into water when it melts.
    5. Tom unhooked the fish and released it back into the water.
    6. A bank was built to keep back the water of the river.
    7. A camel can store a large amount of water in the hump on its back.
    8. This indigenous god needs water to have a normal life, move and talk, or its body will turn back into immovable stone.
    9. Typical snakes, water snakes, whip snakes Atretium schistosum (III India) Olive keel-back
    10. Typical snakes, water snakes, whip snakes Atretium schistosum (III India) Olive keel-back Cerberus rhynchops (III India) Dog-faced water snake
    11. There should be no risk of back-flushing and consequent fouling of enclosure water and the risk of infection.
    12. The back pressure measured in the exhaust pipe at the opening of the probe shall not exceed 75 mm (water gauge).
    13. Whichever method is used, the back pressure measured in the exhaust pipe at the opening of the probe shall not exceed 75 mm (water gauge).
    14. Most back-end operations are located in South East Asia, where the conditions for investment are more attractive thanks to such factors as lower wages (about 50 % of labour costs in Portugal), more flexible labour markets, availability of skilled personnel, lower training costs, lower cost of utilities (energy, water, gas), lower land and civil engineering costs, proximity to clients, availability of suppliers, more flexible policy on subsidies, preferential tax treatment and less stringent environmental requirements.
    15. The Baltic Sea ecosystem, a semi-land locked European inland sea, is one of the world’s largest brackish water bodies and has been seriously affected by many natural pressures and pressures caused by human activity, such as pollution from dumped chemical weapons, for example war gases dating back to the Second World War, and from heavy metal compounds, organic substances, radioactive material, and heating oil and petroleum spills.